Primary screening separates and removes non-dissolved solid materials that could cause mechanical damage and blockages to the next treatment steps in the wastewater treatment plant.
Influent wastewater passes through the slots (slot sizes 0.25-2.50mm) of a mechanical screen, and the solid waste that exceeds the dimension of the slot remains on the external surface of the rotating slot tube from where it is scrapped and falls down into a sludge container. Treated wastewater flows into inlet tank from where it is pumped to the next treatment step.
Screening usually is the first unit operation used in all wastewater treatment plants, and its goal of wastewater primary screening is to provide initial level protection of the entire wastewater treatment equipment from mechanical damage, wear and clogging. Technology of wastewater screening include automated rotary screen filter and scraper unit.
For wastewater primary screening, BC Engineering delivers following equipment and services:
- Rotary screen filter system
- Automation of the system for on-site and remote monitoring and control
- Installation, training and support