Biological wastewater treatment is a secondary treatment process where remaining biodegradable organic substances are removed from wastewater using air (or oxygen), bacteria and other microorganisms.
Biological wastewater treatment is a complex process that involves biology and biochemistry to clean water. It uses bacteria, nematodes or other microorganisms to break down organic wastes using normal cellular processes.
Biological treatment is effective and more economical than many mechanical or chemical processes, therefore it is widely preferred.
The goal of biological wastewater treatment is to create a system in which results in the effluent of outstanding quality that can be directly discharged into receiving waters (river, lake, sea). Technology of biological wastewater treatment include septic or aerobic tank disposal systems, surface and spray aeration, activated sludge processes, various types of filtration, and anaerobic digestion.
For dissolved air flotation, BC Engineering supplies full set of technological equipment along with system installation, training and support services.
BC Engineering delivers equipment as well installation, training and support services for complete biological wastewater treatment: